BMVC 2021 Call for Papers
The British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) is one of the major international conferences on computer vision and related areas. It is organised by the British Machine Vision Association (BMVA). The 32nd BMVC will now be a virtual event held online from 22nd—25th November 2021. Authors are invited to submit full-length high-quality papers in image processing, computer vision, machine learning and related areas for BMVC 2021. Submitted papers will be refereed on their originality, presentation, empirical results, and quality of evaluation. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings published and DOI-indexed by BMVA. Past proceedings can be found online here. Prospective authors can see the 2020 edition as an example.
Selected best papers will be invited to a special issue of the International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV).
Please note that BMVC is a single-track meeting with oral and poster presentations and will include four keynote presentations. The abstract deadline is Friday 18th June 2021 and the paper submission deadline is Friday 25th June 2021 (both 23:59, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)). Submission instructions will be available on the BMVC 2021 website.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- 3D computer vision
- 3D object recognition
- Action and behavior recognition
- Adversarial learning, adversarial attack and defense methods
- Biometrics, face, gesture, body pose
- Computational photography
- Datasets and evaluation
- Efficient training and inference methods for networks
- Explainable AI, fairness, accountability, privacy, transparency and ethics in vision
- Image and video retrieval
- Image and video synthesis
- Image classification
- Low-level and physics-based vision
- Machine learning architectures and formulations
- Medical, biological and cell microscopy
- Motion and tracking
- Optimization and learning methods
- Pose estimation
- Representation learning
- Scene analysis and understanding
- Transfer, low-shot, semi- and un- supervised learning
- Video analysis and understanding
- Vision + language, vision + other modalities
- Vision applications and systems, vision for robotics and autonomous vehicles
- “Brave new ideas” (see below)
Important changes for BMVC 2021
- There will be a two-stage review system, with an upgraded journal-style rebuttal and revision phase in-between.
- Stage One: Each paper will be reviewed by at least three reviewers. The primary AC will also provide a meta review, summarizing the points that need to be addressed during the revision phase. All these comments are released to the authors at the start of the revision period.
- Rebuttal+Revision Phase: The authors will have an extended 2-weeks period to produce a rebuttal (maximum 4000 characters), and a revised paper (with one additional page) that implements all the required changes to the paper, including new experimental results, where appropriate, asked for in the review comments.
- Stage Two: The same reviewers will conduct a second-round review, based on the rebuttal and the revised paper, and provide a final recommendation to the ACs after discussing the paper amongst themselves.
- AC Recommendation: Each paper will be handled by two ACs, a primary and a secondary, who will facilitate paper discussion and jointly make the final recommendations.
- The “Brave new ideas” subject area has been introduced and should be selected as one of the two primary subject areas. Papers submitted under this subject area are expected to move away from incremental benchmark gains. Proposed ideas should be radically different from the current strand of research or propose a novel problem.
Please Note: Due the anticipated volume of papers for BMVC 2021 (based on recent year’s experience) there will be NO extension granted to the submission deadline. In keeping with conferences in the field (e.g. NeurIPS, CVPR) and to cope with the increasing number of submissions, we ask that all authors be prepared to review papers and make use of a compulsory abstract submission deadline a week before the paper submission deadline. The CMT submission site will ask authors to acknowledge this commitment and failure to engage with the reviewing process might be grounds for rejection. Any queries to the Programme Chairs should be sent to bmvc2021_pcs@googlegroups.com
The BMVC 2021 Programme Chairs: